No, Daily Wire, Matt Walsh Did Not “Start a Movement to Protect Women and Children from Radical Gender Ideology.”- Kara Dansky

The Daily Wire claims that Matt Walsh’s 2022 documentary “What is a Woman” “started a movement to protect women and children from radical gender ideology.” In other words, The Daily Wire wants everyone to think that a man started the movement against “gender ideology.” In 2022.

In this interview with The Spectator, the interviewer notes (accurately) that in the UK, it is predominantly leftist feminists who are leading the fight against “gender identity” and asks if there are any such leftist feminists fighting the fight in the US. Walsh essentially answers that there are no leftist feminists fighting the fight in the US and that all opposition to “gender identity” in the US is coming from conservatives (it’s right around 12:00 in the video).

Whatever else one might think about Matt Walsh or The Daily Wire, and whatever good they may have done, both claims are objectively and demonstrably false, and I believe they know it.

Many men, including Walsh, know what a woman is because they know exactly upon whose neck to place their boots. We would welcome the opportunity to talk with them, to see if they can be persuaded that they need radical feminist voices if they want to win. Until then, they aren’t helping.

In July 2022, Kaeley Harms published a piece in The Christian Post titled “Dear Christian conservative men: Please stop screwing up the trans issue.” Harms took aim at Christian men in general, and Walsh in particular, saying:

The truth is that fearless women wrote a lot of Walsh’s talking points and championed them for years at their own expense, but while he soars to #1 ratings and internet fame, some of these women remain silenced by every social media channel available. I could ignore this more easily if he and his buddies weren’t participants in the silencing.

Recently, Walsh and others took aim specifically at JK Rowling and, rather than applauding her moral courage, they condemned her political leanings and took pot shots at feminism as a whole. In a stunningly tone-deaf moment, author Jason Whitlock chimed in to assist in the silencing, telling Rowling to “fall back and support men. You’re not built for this conflict.”

My eyes twitched a bit while reading that. Here’s the reality I need to speak that will likely get me burned at the proverbial stake: Women are being routinely silenced by both the left and the right on this issue.

We know that Matt Walsh doesn’t just love sex stereotypes; he hates all of feminism; so it’s no surprise that he steadfastly ignores feminists, but one would think he might at least take a cue from a woman who is a self-described “pro-life Christian conservative who voted for Donald Trump twice.”

That’s right. American feminists are on record as having been complaining about this since 1973, and Matt Walsh did not invent the “what is a woman” question

Matt Walsh and The Daily Wire have a lot of money and expensive producers (something individual women and women’s groups in the US do not have). They do not, however, have any basis for claiming to have started this movement or that there are no leftist feminists fighting the fight in the US. Matt Walsh did not start this movement. Women did. The Daily Wire should know better, and Walsh is flat out wrong to claim that there are no leftist feminists in the US fighting back against “gender identity.”

Source: (34) No, Daily Wire, Matt Walsh Did Not “Start a Movement to Protect Women and Children from Radical Gender Ideology.”

One thought on “No, Daily Wire, Matt Walsh Did Not “Start a Movement to Protect Women and Children from Radical Gender Ideology.”- Kara Dansky”

  1. Matt Walsh’s delusions of grandeur about his contribution to combating gender identity ideology are quite galling to witness.

    We’re lucky to have Kara Dansky to recap the last forty years of feminist critiques of transgenderism – for the record.

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