ALHR Women and Girls’ Rights Subcommittee Co-Chair Anna Kerr said “Courts already have the capacity to refuse bail in appropriate cases. However, further training and cultural change is required for police and magistrates to identify cases that are high risk. There is also an ongoing urgent need for more education and awareness raising about family violence, including disparities in physical strength and financial resources, and the history of a coercive and controlling relationship and these must be considered by police and courts, when making a determination about which party to charge.”
“ALHR is also concerned by the increasing reports of women being inappropriately identified as defendants in domestic violence matters, as a result of male partners being the first to contact the police. The highly-gendered nature of family violence must not be ignored; as to do so, will only compromise the safety of women and children” warns ALHR Women and Girls’ Rights Subcommittee Co-Chair, Dr Rita Shackel.