Dear Julia.
First of all, I hate telling this story. I can’t believe it was a story I ever even had to utter.
I was hit-on by a transvestite in my rape-crisis centre. Thanks to you.
. . .
“Safe Women” – like yourself – have no idea of the physical and metaphysical advantages of “Women’s Business”; which is private, and not for public record.
TO THIS DAY… I cannot find a psychologist who knows that humans can’t change sex.
I am abused for even asking.
. . .
I can’t use any of my services because men in dresses take over and constantly talk about their penises.
When I speak up for myself and other women, I am the one who has to leave.
Before #MeToo, I always shared my stories in the hope that everyone could learn from them, and we could all grow as a society.
But then I learned that autogynephiles were masturbating to rape stories, and fantasising about being rape victims.
. . .
So while you think “most people” won’t end up in jail, or playing elite sports, I’d like to remind you that ONE WOMAN’S RIGHTS matter more than one man’s sick desires.
Women are being raped in prison, by men. People like you let them in there, and don’t even record the data.
. . .
Fix your mistake of removing the definition of SEX from the SEX Discrimination Act.
Source: An Open Letter to Julia Gillard – by Campaign Club – WNN