Six trustees of a nationwide breastfeeding support group have been suspended for demanding that biological men be excluded from their services.
The British wing of La Leche League (LLL), which gives mother-to-mother support to those finding it hard to breastfeed, has been told by its US-based board of directors that the service cannot be single sex and they must support “male lactation”.
They were also told that the use of the term “mother” could be a “roadblock”, and that questioning gender ideology was “harmful”.
The suspended trustees have now complained to the Charity Commission, saying the charity’s demand that trans women were admitted was against UK law because single-sex places are protected.
A Charity Commission spokeswoman said: “We have received correspondence from groups of trustees, alerting us to a disagreement among the charity’s board about the way in which the charity delivers its services. We are assessing the information to determine whether this is a matter for the Commission as regulator to become involved in.”
Source: Breastfeeding charity suspends trustees who want to ban trans women from its services