Category: The Struggle for Peace
Despite the historical opposition of feminists, the militarisation of Australian nationalism continues
Spike Lee's latest film looks at sex-strikes as a political weapon
The Women’s Equality Party has achieved a lot in a short time
APA Review Confirms Link Between Playing Violent Video Games and Aggression
Pope Francis recruits Naomi Klein in climate change battle
5 Ways Powerful People Trick You Into Hating Protesters
Community legal centres fear being silenced by 'gag clause' in new Government agreement
Roxane Gay: Writer and self-proclaimed 'bad feminist' talks truth and fiction
Swedish foreign minister denounces subjugation of women in Saudi Arabia and experiences severe backlash from the Muslim world jeopardising Swedish trade.
Women in Saudi Arabia are unable to travel, conduct business or marry without permission from a male guardian, and girls are still being forced into child marriages.
Margot Wallstrom’s principled stand deserves wide support from Western nations, but none has been forthcoming.