The son of renowned photographer David Bailey, has shared his concerns for other young people after coming close to transitioning into a woman.
After deciding that transitioning was the right thing to do, he went to see a private doctor who confirmed he was transgender and wrote him a prescription for female hormones.
But with the help of his family and new partner, photographer Lucy Brown, Sascha was guided away from what he believes was a potentially disastrous decision.
He added: “‘I feel there’s a huge problem with over-diagnosis of gender dysphoria.
“Obviously it is very real for some, but I think there are a lot of people who, like me, aren’t actually trans, they’re just incredibly unhappy and transitioning is a way of making themselves into a new person which they believe will fix everything.
On reflection, Sascha said: “One, there was no actual way I can know what it feels like to be a woman because I’d never been one, so the idea of me saying ‘Oh, I feel like a woman’ was absurd.”
He added: “Thank God I didn’t do the hormones because within a few months, you’re risking infertility and the thought that I could not have children is devastating.
“But it also shines a light on the uncomfortable reality, which is that we are asking kids aged 15 and 16 to make the choice about whether or not they will want children themselves and that just isn’t right.”