“Discrimination against Women in Family Court” Lawsuit: Update & Campaign | Women’s Coalition | USA

The good news is we already have a draft lawsuit ready to go, so attorneys in every state will have something to work with. And after the first suit is filed, it will be much easier for others.

Since there have been no attorneys who’ve offered to take the lawsuit pro bono yet, we are now raising funds for it. We’ve just started a Gofundme for that purpose.

Plaintiffs make the claim that women’s state and federal rights to equal protection, procedural due process, and substantive due process are being routinely and systemically violated in family courts. Defendants are judges of the state’s trial court, collectively.

Declaratory relief is requested confirming that women have a right to equal protection and due process in custody cases and that those rights are being systemically violated in Family Court because they are women.

Other relief requested is for injunctions that judges must allow women who claim in the lawsuit they have been discriminated against to have custody and visitation reinstated and/or a right to a de novo (brand new) proceeding.

The complaint includes a list of discriminatory conduct by judges. Each plaintiff will list which ones apply in her case (made easy to check off in the join form linked below).

Source: (1) “Discrimination against Women in Family Court” Lawsuit: Update & Campaign

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