Overnight, the body of 22-year-old Eurydice Dixon was found in a park in Melbourne’s inner-north.
The aspiring comedienne had just performed at the Highlander Bar before heading home about 10:30pm on Tuesday, something she’d probably done countless times before.
What was this immediate reaction to this tragic, terrifying discovery? Police immediately urged people to take responsibility for their safety when walking alone in Carlton North.
Police may have said ‘people’ in their statement, but the subtext is clear: Women won’t get murdered if they don’t walk home late at night.
We know Australian women are being killed at horrific rates, and still preventing domestic violence didn’t make Malcolm Turnbull’s five-point plan for the 2018-19 Budget. One of the five commitments made by the government was “keeping Australians safe”. This ostensibly manifested as increased counter-terrorism and international security measures rather than tackling Australia’s more deadly national security issue.
With the Turnbull government focussing heavily on counter-terrorism, would rebranding domestic violence as a form of terrorism result in more funding?
“If we said this amount of women had died from of terrorism, we’d have the army on the street, curfews would be enforced, and we’d have 24 hour news saturation,” CEO of Melbourne’s Asylum Seeker Resource Centre (ASRC), Kon Karapanagiotidis told Now To Love.
“But on a systemic and structural level, it is terrorism, that’s what I don’t understand. Women are controlled by men who inflict a state of constant terror.
“Women are also paralysed by the knowledge they’re in the most danger when they try to leave these abusive, controlling situations. Sound like a kind of domestic terrorism to me,” he added