EXCLUSIVE DETAILS: Trans-Identified Male Who Opposed Female-Only Rape Crisis Services Sentenced To Prison For Raping Woman |UK | Reduxx

A trans-identified man who repeatedly mocked women critical of gender identity ideology online and advocated against female-only rape crisis centers has been sentenced to six and a half years after being found guilty of rape. Alexander Secker, 35, who uses the alias Lexi Bowen, began identifying as a woman in the period between the assault and his court hearings but will carry out his sentence in a male prison.

Throughout court proceedings, barristers and the trial judge addressed the rapist as “Ms. Secker” and referred to him with feminine pronouns. But during sentencing, Judge Jason Taylor KC told Secker: “At the time of this offense, you were a man. You identified as a man and you were, on the evidence, clearly attracted to women.”

As previously reported by Reduxx, prior to his transition Secker had been known as an “award-winning filmmaker” and a father of two. Secker had also been a Creative Media Practitioner at Digital Writes – a registered charity which receives funding from the UK Arts Council and describes itself as “enriching creative experiences” for youth.

Reduxx uncovered social media profiles belonging to Secker which demonstrate that he actively mocked and harassed women critical of gender ideology. He appears to have adopted the name “Lexi Bowen” following his transition with the intention of launching his career as a film critic and YouTuber.

Source: EXCLUSIVE DETAILS: Trans-Identified Male Who Opposed Female-Only Rape Crisis Services Sentenced To Prison For Raping Woman

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