Facilitating the Desires of High Status Men – Movement of Mothers

The one true bedrock of our societies is to facilitate the desires of high status men.

Due to the social rewards we provide these men, simply denying their behaviour is never satisfying enough, they need to attack their accusers as well. So convinced of their own natural authority, they believe that any attempt to expose or curtail their behaviour is a grave form of injustice. Or, that it is women’s fault for inspiring belligerent male action. 

It is within this social environment, and men’s expectations of what societies owe them, that the idea of “parental alienation” has found such fertile soil. The concept originally designed to negate allegations of child sexual abuse by fathers has been expanded to be an incredible effective legal ruse to counter all forms of child abuse and domestic violence in family courts.

As domestic abuse is driven by a desire to control and dominate, it can be psychologically difficult for abusive men to relinquish their power. Lawyers, therapists and “professional witnesses” feed off these desires. They know that many men will pay significant sums to maintain their control or avoid the consequences of their actions.

The field of economics has a term for economic activity that seeks to service actions that are unethical or amoral – a repugnant market. Pornography and firearms would be considered repugnant markets, and slavery was – and still is – the ultimate repugnant market. The industry that has formed around parental alienation is clearly also a repugnant market. The way it preys upon child abuse, and encourages men’s lust for domination.

Having a justice system that is willing to further punish your victims is an enormous weapon in abusive men’s arsenal. There is no greater power than turning the state into an extension of one’s own fists. In this regard, family courts have become the theatres of post-separation abuse, and the parental alienation industry is directing the play.

The trap created by parental alienation is that the more a child or a mother insists abuse has taken place, the more suspicion is directed towards their allegations. Rather than taking children and mothers on face value – and adjudicating evidence on its merit – parental alienation creates a permanent cynicism. As its primary objective is the protection of male honour – and the submission of women and children that this requires – it demonises mothers who seek to protect their children from abuse, and asserts that children’s own explanations of their experiences are dubious.

As a state built on shameless impulse, California has proved especially fertile ground for this repugnant market.. . . As a result, California has become the central hub for the most shameless component of the parental alienation industry – “reunification camps”.

One of the central tactics of narcissistic abusers (and authoritarian politicians) is to always accuse others of what they themselves are guilty of – a manifestation of DARVO (deny, attack, reverse victim and offender). Given that these reunification camps primarily work in the service of abusive men, they mirror this tactic – claiming that they are deprogramming children from brainwashing while actually engaging in it themselves.

Yet through the tireless efforts of advocates who are committed to the welfare of children there has been an important victory over the parental alienation industry in California.

Recently signed into law by Governor Gavin Newsom, was Piqui’s Law – introduced by Senator Susan Rubio and named after a five-year old boy who was murdered by his father during a custody dispute. The law mandates that judges and any official involved in custody cases must complete training on domestic violence and child abuse, particularly on child sexual abuse and coercive control.

The law has also banned family “reunification” camps as an outcome of child custody or visitation rights cases.

Men especially have a central role in regulating and reforming the behaviour of other men – to create forms of masculinity that eschew violence, domination, and fragile narcissism. The key to completely defeating the parental alienation industry is giving it nothing to feed off, and this will require more than just laws that ban some of their rancid activities. It will require abusive men overcoming their aggrieved entitlement, and for us all to stop legitimising this behaviour.

Source: Facilitating the Desires of High Status Men – Movement of Mothers

One thought on “Facilitating the Desires of High Status Men – Movement of Mothers”

  1. wow I’m speechless, power and control is what the manosphere wants also just like the courts. The war on women and kids is real. What do we do? FIGHT BACK WITH ALL WE GOT.

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