Free period products available across the ACT as new bill passes

Free period products will soon be available across the ACT as the Period Products and Facilities (Access) Bill is expected to pass today.

Introduced by Suzanne Orr MLA, this legislation in the ACT is a step towards ensuring period products are provided free-of-charge across the country.

According to Share the Dignity’s Period Pride Report – ‘Bloody Big Survey’, 15 per cent of respondents in the ACT have been unable to afford period products at some point in their life.

An Australian charity, Share the Dignity has been campaigning and advocating for change in the menstrual equity space for 8 years, saying they’re “elated at the news”.

Source: Free period products available across the ACT as new bill passes

2 thoughts on “Free period products available across the ACT as new bill passes”

  1. Is this the period dignity mob that pretends all people need period products? Much like the NSW decriminalisation of abortion legislation which deleted women, I don’t welcome free tampons when it comes with a side serve of gender identity propaganda.

    1. Sure looks like the same mob Jazz.

      The only time the word ‘woman’ was used was right at the end and even then it was polluted with the obligatory salute to our trans women…

      “…this legislation will ensure women, girls and those who menstruate won’t have to…”

      Thankfully I was able to read this without swooning as the ABC had already informed me that “not only women menstruate”…

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