Inside the world of teenage transitions in Australia where 13-year-olds are having their breasts removed after one letter from a psychiatrist – which teens can’t even do in Thailand – and mums humblebrag with before and after pics on Facebook.
A 15-year-old with gender dysphoria who had a double mastectomy has encouraged other teens who do not identify with the sex they were assigned at birth to undergo the operation.
Senior child and adolescent psychiatrist Dr Jillian Spencer said there were Australian psychiatrists and surgeons who were recommending and performing such operations.
Dr Spencer said young people requested approval letters from a psychiatrist and if they did not get what they wanted would post negative reviews on social media and go elsewhere.
Adjunct Associate Professor Karleen Gribble from Western Sydney University School of Midwifery was a researcher on the first study of a detransitioned woman who shared her pain at not being able to breastfeed her baby.
Professor Gribble said she had spoken to women who did not understand the complexity of breast structure when they had chest masculinisation mastectomies.
It had not been made clear to them that surgery would mean they would not be able to breastfeed.
Anna Kerr, a lawyer from Feminist Legal Clinic, was involved in the first case against a psychiatrist who approved the removal of a 21-year-old’s breasts after just one appointment.
Jay Langadinos later regretted the procedure, no longer identifies as a man, and is suing the psychiatrist for professional negligence.
The Feminist Legal Clinic provided support and legal referrals for a number of detransitioners including Ms Langadinos.
Ms Kerr said protections for vulnerable young people from such medical treatments were inadequate and varied from state to state.
Source: Girls ‘as young as 13’ are having their breasts surgically removed to become boys