Who are Greens in Exile?
Greens in Exileare a group of long-serving and loyal Green Party of England and Wales members who have been forced out of the party through suspension, expulsion or resignation for supporting:
Freedom of speech
The Green Party’s approach to ethical conduct is supposed to be guided by its philosophical basis and core values, which include a commitment to freedom of self-expression. Read more…
Open debate
No progress in a political party, or wider society, will happen without open debate. Any Green Party policies should be able to be discussed in the light of changing scientific evidence or a change in public opinion. Read more…
Good governance
The Green Party should have a democratic process for making decisions, free of abuse and corruption and in line with social conventions and the rule of law. But does it? Read more…
Science-based policy
The Green Party is supposed to prioritise a scientific approach to gathering information and building knowledge to enable the development of policies through scientifically informed debate. Read more…
Women’s sex-based rights
Sex is a protected characteristic under the Equality Act (EqA) 2010 but not in today’s Green Party where advocating for “sex-based rights” can be seen as transphobic. Read more…
The Green Party like any other organisation has a duty to safeguard and protect members against issues such as abuse and bullying, as well as ensuring that any children, or at risk adults, are sufficiently protected. Read more…
Help the party refocus
The Green Party has shifted away from being the party of ecology, but the climate and nature emergency has not gone away and we must come back to our core purpose. Explore the Greens in Exile to learn more.
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