We at the Green Women’s Declaration are deeply troubled by the recent events surrounding the Green Party of England and Wales’ (GPEW) response to the Cass Final Report. The party’s handling of this crucial issue has been marred by confusion, inaction, and a disturbing capitulation to bullying tactics from certain factions within the party.
As you may have noticed, GPEW finally issued a statement on the Cass Review, six days after the report’s publication and following our open letter asking for their response to Cass. However, in a shocking turn of events, the statement was removed from the party’s website mere hours later. (read their statement here)
It has come to our attention that this decision was made under pressure from Deputy Leader Zack Polanski and Co-leader Carla Denyer, who succumbed to the demands of angry and bullying voices from the ‘LGBTIQA+’ Greens on X and behind the scenes.
This incident raises serious questions about the leadership of our party. Are our leaders mere puppets, bowing to the whims of vocal and attention-seeking activists who prioritize their own ideological agenda over the Green Party core values of science and reason?
It appears that the LGBTIQA+ Greens have threatened to withdraw their support for the leadership in future elections, effectively holding the party hostage to their demands.
Former Green Party Women Co-Chair Emma Bateman highlighted the toxic culture that has developed within the party over the last decade saying “all criticism of gender ideology is now deemed to be hateful, so the leadership and trans activists have become accustomed to simply batting away difficult questions and silencing members via a quick smear of “transphobia.”ons, effectively holding the party hostage to their demands.
Source: GPEW in chaos over Cass