I Think You’ve Been Looking For Me: The legacy of forced adoption: 300,000 unmarried Canadian women had to give up their babies

In the years after the Second World War, hundreds of thousands of unmarried mothers from North America, Australia, and the UK were systemically and often violently separated from their babies by forced adoption.

In July 2018, after hearing testimony from individuals affected by Canada’s and Australia’s forced adoption practices, the Senate Committee on Social Affairs released a report called The Shame is Ours.

The report recommends “that the federal government deliver a formal apology in Parliament within the coming year, and that it make reparations”, including professional counselling for survivors of Canada’s forced adoption practices. The Australian Government delivered a formal apology to people affected by past forced adoption in 2013.

Source: I Think You’ve Been Looking For Me: The legacy of forced adoption: 300,000 unmarried Canadian women had to give up their babies

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