Stewart, David Challen and the Hart brothers know the devastation abuse can wreak – and are challenging the idea that it is a women’s issue.
“To tackle domestic abuse, you need to look at masculinity,” says Luke. “Our father’s need for control came from his beliefs on what it means to be a man. I think most men – like me, before this happened – don’t realise how dangerous it is.”
Another campaigning voice in this wilderness is David Challen, the son of Sally Challen, who killed her controlling husband in Surrey in 2010 and is serving a life sentence for murder.
“We need men to speak out,” he says. “We need men to say to other men when they cross a line, when they say or do something unacceptable: ‘That’s not OK.’
“There are all these influential men in politics, education, business, religions, sports, and men in mentoring roles – fathers, uncles, coaches. But, for whatever reason, they stay silent,” says Katz. “To think to yourself: ‘I don’t beat women, so it’s not my issue,’ is just not enough. We need to raise the bar a little higher.”