Kajsa Ekis Ekman was appointed in August 2022 as acting editor-in-chief, but after protests against the appointment of the controversial debater, both within the editorial staff and in the union, both Ekman and CEO Thomas Karlsson as well as all members of the board of owners had to leave their positions.
However, Kajsa Ekis Ekman took up the fight and sued her former employer in a civil case in the district court.
The worker is sentenced to pay Kajsa Ekis Ekman SEK 259,266 in salary for seven months of work and she also receives damages totaling SEK 145,000. In addition, the Worker must pay her legal costs. Kajsa Ekis Ekman had claimed SEK 250,000 in damages.
The left-wing debater Kajsa Ekis Ekman has been controversial for her involvement in the trans issue, including with the book “Om könets existencens – tankar om den nya synen på kön”, which came out in 2021.