Kinks, BDSM and even torture porn are everywhere. Why has vanilla sex disappeared from our screens? | Larissa Hurt | The Guardian

TV should reflect a wide range of preferences – but the rise of extreme sex scenes is offering a worryingly narrow view, says freelance writer Larissa Hurt.

With fetishes and sexual violence playing out on TV and extreme online porn easily accessible, young people are being given a limited view of sexual desires and preferences, skewed by these platforms’ need to shock and entertain.

This combination of sensationalised sex in culture and the lacklustre national curriculum could help explain why more than a third of women under the age of 40 have experienced unwanted choking, slapping or gagging.

If anything, stigma has started to be applied to those who prefer things plain. “Vanilla-shaming” has dethroned “kink-shaming”. TikTok’s “KinkTok” has fostered a community in which shame is eradicated and anything goes – unless of course, you’re into “vanilla” sex. Others have called out this trend – as one video noted, “you all have turned vanilla into an insult”. More than a third of women prefer missionary sex over any other position, but we rarely see that on screen – unless it’s used to imply that the sex is boring or forgettable.

Source: Kinks, BDSM and even torture porn are everywhere. Why has vanilla sex disappeared from our screens? | Larissa Hurt | The Guardian

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