Three Cabinet Ministers have been warned they could face court action after being accused of letting woke indoctrination “run riot” in British schools.
Maths teacher Kevin Lister and two parents have approached the High Court about trans campaigners promoting gender identity ideology in classrooms.
The Bad Law Project, which is supporting the court action, argued gender ideology is a political matter and subsequently could fall foul of the Education Act.
Lister, who was sacked for using the wrong pronouns, said: “My 20 years of teaching A-level came to an abrupt end when I was sacked and marched off the premises for refusing to call a girl a boy.
“The Education Department can waffle on endlessly about their meaningless guidance to schools – in practice schools and their trans activists allies are being allowed to run riot.”
Lead solicitor Gordon Davies added: “The law is quite clear – political indoctrination in schools is illegal and must not be tolerated by ministers, officials and headteachers.
Source: Ministers face court action as woke indoctrination ‘runs riot’ in UK schools