Wendy Tuohy of The Age writes:
Only 14 per cent of Australians are likely to do something if they identify a woman being targeted with sexism or disrespectful treatment, research has found.
Forty-seven per cent said they could recognise disrespect but would be “unlikely to do something”, and 39 per cent said they would struggle to recognise it at all.
The national agency for the prevention of violence against women, Our Watch, which did research on 2000 people around the country, will launch a campaign today aimed at prompting those who witness disrespectful treatment to act.
Ms Kinnersly said it was important not to ignore such behaviour because accepting disrespectful treatment can set a tone in which violence against women is tolerated.
“Sexist attitudes and behaviours create an environment where violence against women is more likely; in an environment in which women are disrespected, some people take that right and don’t draw the line,” she said.