The woman – who cannot be named to protect the identity of her child – voiced fury that Katie Dolatowski had been freed to serve her sentence in the community.
Dolatowski, 18, sexually assaulted the girl in the toilets of Morrisons, Kirkcaldy.
She grabbed the terrified youngster by the face, shoved her into the cubicle and ordered her to remove her trousers.
But instead of being jailed at Kirkcaldy Sheriff Court, Dolatowski, who identifies as a woman but was believed by her victim’s family to be a man, was given community payback and tagging orders.
Dolatowski admitted sexually assaulting the girl and following another girl into the toilets at Asda Halbeath, Dunfermline, on February 8, and trying to film her urinating by holding her mobile phone over the cubicle partition.
Source: Mum of supermarket toilet sex assault victim warns freed attacker could strike again – The Courier