NHS managers are told not to offer sympathy to female colleagues worried about sharing toilets with biological men in woke handbook | Daily Mail Online

NHS managers have been told not to sympathise with female colleagues worried about sharing toilets with biological males.

Thousands of workers at a hospital trust in the North East have been given a woke handbook which forbids team leaders using phrases such as ‘I understand your concerns’ to anyone who complains about the issue.

It reads: ‘Managers must not make supportive comments such as ‘I understand your concerns’ to staff who, for example, complain about Trans or Non-Binary colleagues having access to gendered spaces.

In a letter to bosses at the Trust, Toby Young, director of the Free Speech Union, said: ‘We are writing to request that this policy be immediately withdrawn and an urgent review undertaken.

‘We are especially concerned by its insistence that female staff cannot refuse to use the same bathroom facilities as biological males and cannot express any concerns about having to do so.

Source: NHS managers are told not to offer sympathy to female colleagues worried about sharing toilets with biological men in woke handbook | Daily Mail Online

One thought on “NHS managers are told not to offer sympathy to female colleagues worried about sharing toilets with biological men in woke handbook | Daily Mail Online”

  1. So we get to be traumatized and made to feel unsafe or uncomfortable, AND we’re not allowed to have feelings since we’re sub humans. We’re just “vulva owners,” “birthing people” and “chest feeders”. Non feeling creatures reduced to body part functions. I say NO! I do NOT consent! Not on my watch! Not in my name!

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