PETITION FOR SEX (In Law, of Course)

Speak Up for Women has created a petition on the Parliamentary petition website with the following wording: “That the House of Representatives defines that “sex” in the Human Rights Act 1993 and any other legislation has the biological meaning.”

Speak Up for Women (SUFW) is a feminist organisation seeking to ensure freedoms, safety, language and identities are protected for women and girls in New Zealand. We believe that if “sex” in legislation such as the HRA is interpreted to mean anything other than the biological meaning, women and girls can’t rely on sex-based rights to keep them safe and able to participate fully in society.

We think women need (some) facilities, services, sports and opportunities that are just for them. We’ll be working to increase engagement with this important petition over the coming months to obtain as much support as we can. So, please sign it and share it. Let’s get sex back on the (legislative) table!

Source: PETITION FOR SEX (In Law, of Course)

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