Police officers have launched a “gender-critical” network to push back against what they claim are pro-trans ideologies pushed by police chiefs.
Named the Police Sex Equality and Equity Network, the group accused the police of “actions that embed gender ideology” across the UK. They accuse this ideology of creating a “culture of fear” among those not supportive of trans rights.
The grassroots network claim police forces risk undermining public confidence, as they say they are focusing on gender issues.
The group said in a statement: “Police SEEN warns that the influence of lobby groups and activists within UK policing has created a culture of fear which prevents officers and staff who believe there are two sexes and that sex is real and immutable, from speaking out, for fear of disciplinary action.
The group sites a number of examples which they say represent gender ideology in the police service.
One such instance includes recent guidance to allow transgender police officers to strip search people of the opposite gender to that which they were assigned at birth. It stated that transgender officers can “search persons of the same gender as their own lived gender”.
Source: Police officers fight back against ‘culture of fear’ and pro-trans views pushed by bosses
I like your work, but am dismayed that as activists even you are now also using transgenderist language, even as you are fighting against transgenderism. This is a manifestation of just how embedded this ideology now is in public discourse. As examples in the above article, you refer to “transgender officers” (when you mean trans-identifying officers- there being no such thing as transgender).
Also “gender assigned at birth” -that is again a transgenderist fiction belief. No-one is assigned a sex or gender or whatever at birth- we believe the scientific evidence that our sex is determined by our male or female gametes.
And rather than call ourselves “those not supportive to trans-rights” (we are supportive of trans-identifying people having rights- we are not supportive of their rights taking away the rights of others, and we are protecting the loss of our rights).
Even articles critical of transgenderism constantly use the language of trans activists- they refer to “cis” women (there is only “women”). They routinely refer to the multiple disparate groups protesting the erasing of their rights as “anti- trans protesters” (they are not “anti-trans” they are protecting THEIR rights), “radical feminists” (TRA’s want to cast all dissenting women, and all feminists as “radical”- as if it’s radical to resist patriarchy) “gender critical feminists” (what even is gender- no-one can define what a male or female gender even is, although TRA’s do try, with their ludicrous ideas about what male and female children should wear/ do) and even “TERFs” (it’s not feminists excluding anyone from being a woman- it’s scientific fact).
Every time you use the language of TRAs, you are helping them embed their stuff in society.
Notice when you hear people do it (even people like us who are trying to stop transgenderism taking over our rights). See it when you read news articles in ABC, SBS and public media, or in your public service emails if you work for any government department. Protest about it in letters to editors, citing specific examples.
Dear Anina, this is a news digest and not original content generated by FLC. The language used in the article is that of the original authors at Daily Express. Unfortunately when I press these articles the heading does not always capture the original source but can be accessed by clicking on the link at the bottom of the extract. I will try to remember to correct more conscientiously for this in future to avoid misunderstanding.