Queensland chief judge Helen Bowskill endorses preferred pronouns in court | The Australian

Queensland’s chief judge has reinforced the use of preferred gender pronouns to uphold respect in the courtroom, as she reveals her recent stand “against the patriarchy” in redesigning court forms to ensure they read Ms/Mr and not Mr/Ms.

Her comments follow an international backlash sparked by author JK Rowling, after South Australian Chief Justice Chris Kourakis this year also encouraged use of preferred gender pronouns across SA’s courtrooms.

SA, Victoria and Queensland this year all released practice notes requiring court attendees to refer to parties by the pronouns they indicate being most comfortable with, such as they/them.

In NSW, it is up to the presiding judge as to whether or not preferred gender pronouns are used when referring to a transgender defendant.

Last week, three appeal court judges chose to use male pronouns when referring to a transgender defendant who had transitioned to become a woman after allegedly committing child sex offences.

“The applicant was born and has lived his life until recently as a male. All the applicant’s crimes were committed as a man … In this judgment, where pronoun use is necessary, it will be given to reflect the applicant’s accepted gender at the relevant time … To refer to the applicant as female at the time of the offences would lead to confusion and even absurdity.”


Source: Queensland chief judge Helen Bowskill takes endorses preferred pronouns in court | The Australian

One thought on “Queensland chief judge Helen Bowskill endorses preferred pronouns in court | The Australian”

  1. “El opresor no sería tan fuerte si no contara con aliados entre los propios oprimidos”.
    Hay mujeres feministas, hay mujeres rebeldes que por eso reciben violencia, hay mujeres cegadas por el sistema, hay mujeres sometidas y conformadas con ello, hay mujeres traidoras… y luego están las mujeres como la jueza principal de Queensland que, no solo nos traicionan sino que apuntalan el patriarcado que nos oprime.

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