Quotas are critical: Global Women's Summit President Irene Natividad

Quotas are the key to getting more women into corporate leadership roles according to the Global Summit of Women President Irene Natividad.
“Quotas are just a door that we need to push open,” she told delegates on Friday. “To move women into leadership roles we need to be aggressive or we’ll wait forever.”
Natividad pointed to the progress western European companies have made in recent years in terms of the representation of women on boards, against other parts of the world, as proof.
In France, for example, in 2004 women held just 7.2% of board seats while in 2018 they now hold 43.4%.
Natividad told the 1000 delegates gathered in Sydney that this quantum leap is explained by quotas.
The 2018 Global Women’s Summit is being held in Australia this week for the first time in 28 years.

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