‘Rough Sex’ Doesn’t Kill, Domestic Violence Does

There has been pub­lic out­cry fol­low­ing the short sen­tence handed to a man con­victed of killing his girl­friend af­ter what he called ‘rough sex’.

Na­talie Con­nolly, 26, a mother of one, died in De­cem­ber 2016, of acute al­co­hol in­tox­i­ca­tion and blunt force in­juries. John Broad­hurst, 40, ad­mit­ted to in­flict­ing those in­juries, but said they were meted out as part of what re­ports have called ‘rough sex’, and com­pared to scenes of 50 Shades of Grey.

Broad­hurst has­n’t been found guilty of mur­der, or of GBH, but of manslaugh­ter. Yes, Broad­hurst beat her, but ap­par­ently only ‘within the bounds of her masochis­tic de­sires’. Yes, he in­flicted a blow-out frac­ture to her left eye, and in­ter­nal in­juries via a bot­tle of car­pet cleaner, but he was cleared, be­cause this was all part of, we’re told to be­lieve, con­sen­sual sex.

Labour MP Har­riet Har­man has now re­ferred the case to the At­tor­ney Gen­eral, ask­ing him to con­sider if this counts as an un­duly le­nient sen­tence. She tweeted:

‘He blames her for her own death, says she wanted is vi­o­lence. She can’t give ev­i­dence as she’s dead. Men used to evade mur­der charge with “nag­ging & shag­ging” de­fense. The 21st cen­tury ver­sion is the “50 shades of grey” de­fense. Can­not be al­lowed to stand.’

[category global, domestic violence, sexual violence]

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