Sports coach ‘stoned and hanged’ for criticising trans swimmer Lia Thomas loses job

American sports coach Kim Russell has been removed from her position at Oberlin College in Ohio.

Russell has been at loggerheads with Oberlin officials ever since posting her personal viewpoint on transgender swimmer Lia Thomas.

Thomas caused controversy by winning an NCAA championship in March last year, with the 24-year-old competing against biological women.

Russell reacted to Thomas’ triumph by responding to a post that congratulated Emma Weyant, who came second.

Source: Sports coach ‘stoned and hanged’ for criticising trans swimmer Lia Thomas loses job

2 thoughts on “Sports coach ‘stoned and hanged’ for criticising trans swimmer Lia Thomas loses job”

  1. Geez, I love your content, but that title scared me. You say stoned and hanged, I was a bit scared that this woman was….you know. Sad that womens free speech is threatened when we speak up either against male supremacy or the TRA supremacists.

    1. Sorry, but that was the title used in the original article. These are not the words of FLC. This is a news digest, not original content.

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