I am gravely concerned over the decision of the Federal Court of Australia in the case of Roxanne Tickle v. Giggle for Girls Pty Ltd and Sally Grover, which ruled that the exclusion of a male who identifies as a woman and is recognized as a female under the law from a female-only social media platform constitutes unjustified indirect discrimination.
The ruling demonstrates the concrete consequences that result when gender identity is allowed to supplant sex – and override women’s rights to female only services and spaces.
The judge only considered the Australian gender ideology law and failed to consider both Australian Law and International law regarding women. He also ignored ordinary human senses to protect a man. Men and the boy’s club: they are not pretending that women matter anymore while confessing that men are predatory.
When you have an iconoclastic social movement intent of breaking the norms of society you will end up with such ideas being forced upon a population.
I see similarities with both Pol Pot and his destruction of the concept of ‘family’ and Mao’s Cultural Revolution and the forced communal living and eating etc.
In the public service meetings are started with the ‘acknowledgement of country’, which has a whiff of North Korean brain washing about it.
And now some German political parties are pushing for rights of pedophiles.
I wonder where it will end?
The Nazis destroyed the Sex Institute because they were the client files. This is the same as that.
Operation Paperclip informs too.