The Guardian’s trans crisis exposed as leaked tapes highlight newspaper’s turmoil

The Guardian is entangled in a trans crisis after leaked tapes exposed staff members disagreeing over issues relating to gender.

The newspaper’s staff have been butting head for months over how to cover issues relating to trans people in their publication.

The media group called for an “untangling sex and gender” meeting back in April for staff to discuss the ways they cover women’s rights.

In the meeting, two journalists, Sonia Sodha and Susanna Rustin, stated that they believed trans women should be kept separate from biological women in specific areas.

Four speakers stated that they had been harassed because of their trans-critical views.

Source: The Guardian’s trans crisis exposed as leaked tapes highlight newspaper’s turmoil

One thought on “The Guardian’s trans crisis exposed as leaked tapes highlight newspaper’s turmoil”

  1. The first warning sign at the Guardian would have been the “diversity, equality, and inclusion week”.

    To have a whole week to have to ‘be aware’ of such issues would mean staff could think of nothing else I’d imagine.

    ‘Progressiveness’ is like a cancer that attacks its host whether they are right wing or left wing with equal vigour. That we have organisations on the spectrum from the Guardian, the Green’s party and Pesutto’s Liberal party internally fighting to the death on the same issues demonstrates thus.


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