An inrush of sexual harassment and assault allegations across almost every sector, a spike in domestic violence cases, stories of workplace bullying and intimidation, certain politicians acting like sex-crazed, embarrassingly incompetent morons, little progress in terms of the gender pay gap, poor leadership and the list goes on.
Reflecting only on this, it would be easy to deduce that progress went backwards for women this year.
But in fairness, it wasn’t all bad. Below we share some of the greatest moments for women from 2018; some that will have far reaching, positive impacts in Australia and globally for years to come.
- Women in Hollywood start the #TimesUp movement
- Saudi Arabia allows women to attend soccer matches and drive cars
- The tampon tax is repealed by Australian Parliament
- The second annual Women’s March moves ahead
- A record number of women run for congress and win
- Emma Gonzalez champions gun law reform with #NeverAgain movement
- Female pro surfers win their fight for equal pay
- Donna Strickland wins the Nobel Prize in Physics
- Kerryn Phelps wins seat of Wentworth at byelection
- Nadia Murad wins Nobel Peace Prize
- Ireland legalised abortion
- Historic NAIDOC week theme moves ahead: ‘Because of Her, We Can’:
[category Aust, feminism]