The new compulsory religion – Resist Gender Education

A teacher in New Zealand has lost his right to teach because he refused to use opposite sex pronouns for a student.

“The Teachers’ Disciplinary Tribunal decision to deregister a teacher (Mr X) for refusing to use opposite sex pronouns is unwarranted and sets a disturbing precedent that needs to be challenged,” said Margaret Curnow, spokesperson for Resist Gender Education, in a statement today.

“It is incontrovertible that humans cannot change sex and teachers are entitled to hold and express that view, including by not using opposite sex pronouns for students,” said Ms Curnow. “That the school did not already have a robust policy for how to deal with conflicting beliefs such as these, is an indictment of the school and Mr X should not have lost his profession as a result.”

Resist Gender Education (RGE) recommends that schools allow students to use preferred names or nicknames, with parental knowledge, but that correct biological pronouns continue to be used for everyone. Asking other students and teachers to use opposite sex or neo pronouns is confusing for those with language or learning difficulties and is discriminatory to those who do not believe people can change sex by wishful thinking.

Unfortunately, Mr X did not help his case by representing himself at the Disciplinary Tribunal and expressing some extreme religious views. These views are not condoned in any way by RGE, but the Tribunal and RGE acknowledge that he is entitled to hold them.

Source: The new compulsory religion – Resist Gender Education

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