Tim Walz owes Democrats some answers on ‘gender identity’ and children | Kara Dansky

I have some questions for Minnesota Governor and Vice Presidential candidate Tim Walz (D), and I hope journalists will start demanding answers from him.

Specifically, does he stand by his 2023 decisions turning Minnesota into a “trans refuge,” especially given the overwhelming evidence that what is euphemistically referred to as “gender-affirming care” harms children?

So the effect of this law is that Minnesota courts have the power to remove children from their own parents’ custody if the parents (inside or outside of Minnesota) wish to protect their children from harmful hormones or surgeries.

The phrase “gender-affirming care” sounds nice, but as investigative journalist Gerald Posner explained in the Wall Street Journal last year, such interventions are more like a human experiment that borders on child abuse.

This follows on the April 2024 publication of the Cass Report, a nearly 400-page report commissioned by the UK’s National Health Service. It found that there was only “remarkably weak evidence” to support the use of puberty blockers and opposite-sex hormones for minors, concluding that such “care” is “built on shaky foundations.” In the face of the evidence, five European countries have already severely restricted the use of such interventions.

I say all this as a lifelong Democrat, feminist and leftist who is active in the group Women’s Declaration International, and who until recently served as the president of its U.S. chapter.

Rank-and-file Democrats all over this country want to vote Democrat in the November presidential election to defeat Donald Trump but feel uneasy doing so because of Democratic Party leadership’s insistence on sacrificing children on the altar of “gender identity.”

Those Democrats deserve some answers from the governor. I hope journalists will start asking the tough questions and getting us the answers we deserve.

Source: Tim Walz owes Democrats some answers on ‘gender identity’ and children

2 thoughts on “Tim Walz owes Democrats some answers on ‘gender identity’ and children | Kara Dansky”

  1. How ever unsavoury it is, unless Trump wins the whole gender madness will have another 4 long years of push from the Democrats…

    1. James Walker is correct. I support Dems on some issues but the leading issues of the day such as health freedom and the transgender (just say you’re a woman to gain access) movement the Democrats taking us down an ugly road. It will only get worse if they remain. Being from Minnesota I am NOT happy with Walz for his NWO handling of Covid (do as we say or you’re a terrorist) or his belief that children are the property of the state who can be “gender affirmed” (as if kids are little adults and can make such a decision. It’s very disturbing in a creepy sort of way).

      I haven’t voted for over ten years, never voted Republican in my life, this year rather than see women’s and gay rights set back seventy years (and so much more) I will have to vote Republican (even though I disagree with them on abortion). Truly sad, but at least one of the parties is standing up.
      I do believe in an unconditionally loving Creator and I pray we will learn and be humbled by all of this. We are loved always and it is not God who needs to forgive us (as He never judges nor condemns) it is we who are in need of loving and forgiving ourselves. And if we can forgive ourselves maybe, just maybe we will be willing to listen to others instead of censoring and cancelling them.

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