To all men who are in on the ‘open secret’: you have failed us

In its first statement announcing the findings of the inquiry, the high court identified six recommendations that it intended to implement. Two of these were starkly oriented towards “victim responsibility”; the first being that the induction materials provided to associates should “make sure to cover material directly relevant to their specialised role”; and secondly, that “the court should make clear to associates that their duties do not extend to an obligation to attend social functions”.

What about making it clear to judges not to inappropriately touch and harass their associates at social functions? To police the conduct of their colleagues at social functions?

The high court then announced that it had invited 100 former associates that worked at the high court during Heydon’s tenure to share any relevant experiences.

What about inviting the judges and other senior members of the court during that time to explain what they knew, if anything, about the alleged “open secret” and what they did or did not do about it? Surely that is the next step in order to identify what systemic problems exist.

Heaven knows it is not just a woman’s job to speak out – we have enough to do.

Source: To all men who are in on the ‘open secret’: you have failed us | Sexual harassment | The Guardian

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