Tough love for Museums! The Guerrilla Girls continue to strike back

Gabrielle Everall for Right Now writes:
Guerrilla Girls are a group of artists and activists that aim to expose the inequality that women and people of colour experience in the art world. Like anarchists out on a demonstration, they are anonymous and don gorilla masks. The collective began in New York in 1985. Portfolio Compleat is a comprehensive record of the Guerrilla Girls’ work which consists of 129 projects in the form of posters and a video installation spanning from 1985 to 2016.
Portfolio Compleat is tucked away on the third floor of the National Gallery of Victoria (NGV), and the exhibition is smaller than I expected it to be. A video installation that includes information about Guerrilla Girls Portfolio Compleat is at the back wall of the NGV entrance. This is a pity because what the Guerrilla Girls have to say is very important.
[A]ccording to the Guerrilla Girls, no female artists names are inscribed on the facades of art galleries and museums. The Guerrilla Girls’ Portfolio Compleat forces me out of my complacency brought about by a patriarchal society; when I posed nude at art school the male artists asked for a different model, one with a better body.
According to the Guerrilla Girls galleries and museums in the U.S and Europe do not show the history of art, but merely the history of power and money.

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