Vonny LeClerc: Protections for women online are woefully inadequate

What is clear to me is that the police want to do the right thing regarding cyber crime, but are in no way able to follow through adequately. What’s also clear is that protection mechanisms on social media platforms are woefully unfit for purpose. There is no means of providing context that would allow the platform to understand the contours of a particular situation. All I have available to me is a standardised reporting form, which only allows me to choose from a range of options. There is no mechanism that allows you to report a sustained campaign of sophisticated harassment to Instagram. Because of this, it makes the police’s job even more difficult as the onus is on them to establish a pattern. This is a reporting system so full of holes, it’s practically a net.

Source: Vonny LeClerc: Protections for women online are woefully inadequate | The National

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