This month five Supreme Court justices, led by Lord Reed, will decide once and for all whether “woman” means, as a matter of law, a biological woman or whether the definition of sex, whether male or female, may be broadened to encompass people possessing a gender recognition certificate that changes their legal sex in almost all circumstances and, de facto, for ever changes our understanding of sex too.
The matter of For Women Scotland v the Scottish Ministers is no small question. The issue, as described by the court, seems straightforward: “Is a person with a full gender recognition certificate which recognises that their gender is female, a “woman” for the purposes of the Equality Act 2010?”
The case has been brought to London by For Women Scotland, a feminist campaigning group, following a Court of Session judgment that, in the matter of representation on public boards, and the quest for gender balance therein, trans people with a GRC should be considered, legally, as possessing their acquired “sex”.
There are two sexes, male and female. Human beings cannot change sex. They can call themselves what they like and dress as they like but a transwoman is still a man, just as a transman is still a woman. To say otherwise is a lie. Transwomen have no place in womens’ personal spaces or sport.
I love this post!