What is a woman? Five judges will soon decide | The Sunday Times

This month five Supreme Court justices, led by Lord Reed, will decide once and for all whether “woman” means, as a matter of law, a biological woman or whether the definition of sex, whether male or female, may be broadened to encompass people possessing a gender recognition certificate that changes their legal sex in almost all circumstances and, de facto, for ever changes our understanding of sex too.
The matter of For Women Scotland v the Scottish Ministers is no small question. The issue, as described by the court, seems straightforward: “Is a person with a full gender recognition certificate which recognises that their gender is female, a “woman” for the purposes of the Equality Act 2010?”
The case has been brought to London by For Women Scotland, a feminist campaigning group, following a Court of Session judgment that, in the matter of representation on public boards, and the quest for gender balance therein, trans people with a GRC should be considered, legally, as possessing their acquired “sex”.

Source: What is a woman? Five judges will soon decide

2 thoughts on “What is a woman? Five judges will soon decide | The Sunday Times”

  1. There are two sexes, male and female. Human beings cannot change sex. They can call themselves what they like and dress as they like but a transwoman is still a man, just as a transman is still a woman. To say otherwise is a lie. Transwomen have no place in womens’ personal spaces or sport.

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