Why gender identity doesn’t belong in the Australian Census – Women’s Action Alliance Canberra

The ABS is currently seeking submissions from the public as part of phase one of its census topic review, and one of the topics to be reviewed is ‘gender identity’. The ABS has already had a go at asking a gender-related question, but it flunked out: in 2021, the census asked, “Is the person male, female, or non-binary sex?” Aside from the problem of the ‘male-as-the-default-human’ bias in the presentation order of the answers, providing an option for ‘non-binary sex’ proved a waste of time, as it failed to “capture meaningful data”.

Given that ‘gender’ has become a commonly but inconsistently used and understood term in Australia, the ABS risks enshrining a lack of clarity and consistency in Australian data collection and statistical collation if ‘gender’, ‘gender identity’ or any other non-sex-based term is used in the next census.

To date, it would appear that the ABS has consulted with gender-identity lobby groups but not with groups representing women who are critical of gender identity ideology. We hope that the ABS by dint of its no-doubt virtuous desire to be inclusive does not land itself in the same position as the UK’s Office for National Statistics (ONS), which, four days before the England and Wales census in 2021, found itself in court defending its position on matters relating to sex and gender.

Source: Why gender identity doesn’t belong in the Australian Census – Women’s Action Alliance Canberra

One thought on “Why gender identity doesn’t belong in the Australian Census – Women’s Action Alliance Canberra”

  1. The census is clearly going to run gender questions due to its insistence on seeking guidance from ‘non binary’ pressure groups.

    Any data thus gained will be meaningless as so many people are confused about the meaning of ‘gender’ or are adamant that the ‘science is wrong and sex is how you identify’.

    This is the result of 10 years of non binary lobby groups like ‘Mermaids’, ‘Stonewall’, ‘Acon’ and others tirelessly pressuring governments, schools and anyone who will listen about their propaganda.

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