Will scientists be able to get egg cells from men?

New technologies for creating genetically related children could transform family life, giving same-sex couples and infertile women more options for parenthood.

Earlier this year Japanese biologist Katsuhiko Hayashi said he believed it would be possible to create a human egg from skin cells within a decade. He and his colleagues already have turned skin cells from male mice into mouse eggs and used them to breed baby mice.

Conception Biosciences chief executive Matt Krisiloff has dozens of scientists working at a lab in California trying to make eggs outside ovaries. Such a technique could allow women to have biological children later in life.

Krisiloff, who is gay, says the technology, known as in vitro gametogenesis or IVG, also could help male couples have biological children without anyone else’s genes. Echoing the desire that has driven so many advances in reproductive technologies, Krisiloff says, “I want the chance to have biological kids with my partner.”

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