The women of Central California Women’s Facility (CCWF) are speaking out about being housed with Dana Rivers, thanks to SB 132. Dana Rivers, formerly known as David Warfield, is a man who slaughtered an entire family in one of the most violent anti-lesbian hate crimes our country has seen this century. Even prior to his crimes, he spent decades harassing and terrifying women — all while claiming to be one.
Tomiekia is among four women, represented by WoLF, who are suing the state of California over SB 132. The lawsuit, Chandler v. CDR, aims to overturn the law which went into effect in 2021. Under this bill, men can transfer to women’s facilities even if they do not claim to have a female “gender identity;” they can also identify as “non-binary,” “gender-fluid,” or similar. Men who transfer into women’s prisons are not required to take hormones or have surgery; in fact, most of them retain their penises.
SB132 I the most racist law I’ve ver witnessed in my lifetime. Women in prison are disproportionately women of color. That’s a fact and a reality. It says; a violent, male, rapist has more value than a poor, black, female prisoner. This reminds me of the slave masters having their way with their black, female slaves during the time of slavery. How did being allowed to traumatize women become, “equality?” Men are responsible for the highest percentage of violent crimes committed.Because of these numbers, we will never be equal.