Women Won the Day – by Ix Qik – Ix’s Substack

Women’s Action Group held their first Public Assembly on the steps of Victoria’s Parliament in Melbourne.

While all news reports in Australia are claiming that two women were arrested. I can assure you that no women were arrested.  No women from either side.

Male pattern violence aimed at silencing women led to the two arrests made on the day.  Make up your own mind which sex is on the floor.

The ABC – the nationally funded broadcaster

The media is compelled by the Press Association to report that a man is a ‘woman’ at his behest – no questions asked. The police are compelled to record men as ‘female’ when he answers “Female.” to the booking officer.

This is a lie and the law is complicit in the abuse of women’s rights.  The State Parliament has given the power of every Victorian over to the most abusive and misogynistic men.

Despite extreme intimidation and a second attempted breach of the police cordon, women spoke honestly, loudly, and bravely.

Two detransitioners took to the mic and expressed the damage this ideology has done not only to them but to wider society.

Grandmothers spoke of the damage they have seen, and how they would have been manipulated by gender ideology activists if they were teenagers now.

One lifelong socialist woman spoke of how the loud, aggressive crowd do not know what socialism is. And she will never stop being a socialist despite the corruption they’ve brought to her political beliefs.

One woman spoke about the pornography that is deep seated within the trans ideology/queer activism and the damage it wreaks on young women.

Source: Women Won the Day – by Ix Qik – Ix’s Substack

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