Some aspects of gender identity activism remind us of the concept of adverse possession. When calls for “trans rights” began to gain steam, we were assured this would not harm women or encroach on our rights. Women who raised questions were shamed and tarred as bigots for even suggesting that “gender identity” could threaten women’s interests under sex-based laws, that it would be used to mislead and harm children, or that men could take advantage of “gender-inclusive” policies for improper purposes.
So, based on the seemingly-inoffensive goal of inclusion, gender activists convinced governments to adopt anti-discrimination laws to protect “gender identity.” In many cases these were preceded by laws or policies allowing individuals to change their sex (or “gender”) on government-issued vital identification documents—even birth certificates in some cases. And most of this happened without much noise or fuss, in part because it was assumed that only a relatively tiny number of individuals would use these rights. . . .
So instead of pushing back against sex-stereotyped dress codes, or harassment based on stereotype nonconformity, the gender movement insisted that a legal distortion of facts was the only solution to all of these problems. This is nothing like the way that women fought to be allowed to wear pants in public, a right that used to be reserved for men by law.
Now here we are in 2020, where male rapists and murderers are being housed in women’s prisons under “gender identity” policies; where males with a propensity for flashing are taking up precious space in women’s emergency shelters that fear losing funding if they refuse to house these men; where men and boys are depriving women and girls of athletic wins and opportunities; children are being given “gender affirming” hormones and mastectomies; and women are having their careers threatened for “denying trans people’s identities.” Harassment, itself, has been redefined broadly to include not believing claims about sex that all parties may know to be false.
As always women are being bullied and harassed for daring to speak out against yet another form of oppression-talk about the Karpman triangle in action- where the victims become the oppressors! Rescuers abound!!