Swedish foreign minister denounces subjugation of women in Saudi Arabia and experiences severe backlash from the Muslim world jeopardising Swedish trade.

Women in Saudi Arabia are unable to travel, conduct business or marry without permission from a male guardian, and girls are still being forced into child marriages.
Margot Wallstrom’s principled stand deserves wide support from Western nations, but none has been forthcoming.

US Lawmaker publicly discusses her rape and abortion – man in the audience laughs. Anti-abortion legislation is passed.


This article attempts to villify suffragettes as violent while documenting that even the most militant attacked only property. The suffragettes pioneered hunger strikes and non-violent civil disobedience long before Gandhi.


“Worldwide, it has been estimated that violence against women is as serious a cause of death and incapacity among women of reproductive age as cancer, and a greater cause of ill-health than traffic accidents and malaria combined.” source:WHO

Why does an extra X chromosome make such a difference?