Transgender mountain biker controversy: Kate Weatherly case causes confusion

A TRANSGENDER downhill mountain biker has caused a stir by dominating races — just three weeks after switching from men’s to women’s competition.

The confusion about the crossover period of transgender athletes is now causing some riders to shy away from competition in the sport, according the NZ Herald.

Kate Weatherly rode as a male until December last year. She then competed as a women for the beginning of the 2018 National Downhill Series in January and won the New Zealand national women’s championship by almost 13 seconds in Wanaka last weekend.

Weatherly insists she has played by the rules of Cycling New Zealand’s transgender policy, which takes into account testosterone levels.

“It’s kind of one of those things where I’d like everyone to be on the same page,” Weatherly said.

“If everyone’s not happy then maybe everyone’s not doing their best racing and I just want everyone to be having fun and doing their best.”

Rose McGowan Cancels Public Appearances After Shouting Match At Book Event

A male audience member who self-identifies as a ‘transgender woman’ disrupted a New York booksigning by the #MeToo movement’s Rose McGowan on Wednesday night.

The event was to promote McGowan’s new memoir ‘Brave’. McGowan is best known for exposing the crimes of serial sexual predator Harvey Weinstein.

The next day on Twitter, she announced her cancellation of her public appearances, saying that she had been “verbally assaulted for two full minutes … by an actor” while “no one in [the] room did anything.”

She demanded apologies from her publicists, assistants and managers as well as the audience members at the bookstore event, adding: “The truth is you all failed me. Again. And again. And again.”

Now the transwoman involved, identified as Andi Dier of Long Island, NY, is being accused of serial sexual assault by multiple women who claim Dier sexually assaulted them when they were teens.

‘We need to be braver’ — women challenge ‘gender identity’ and the silencing of feminist discourse

Women who challenge discourse around “gender identity” have been largely isolated on the front lines for the past decade.

Sheila Jeffreys argues, in her talk, that “transgenderism is an invention that is socially and politically constructed,” and that, rather than being innate, exists in direct connection to the forces of power that exist in a heteropatriarchal society.

Jeffreys connects the notion of “gender identity” to American neoliberalism in that it is, of course, a very individualistic notion, but also in the way that it connects to capitalism and the cash cow that transgenderism is for Big Pharma, gender identity therapists and clinics, and cosmetic surgeons. It seems odd to discuss gender identity outside the context of capitalism, considering the way “identity” and “expression” is so connected, in modern society, to consumerism.

In fact, Jeffreys suggests feminists drop the term “gender” entirely. She says instead, “We need to talk about sex class or sex caste” as “gender” has become meaningless and conflated with biological sex.

As feminists, what we really are doing is working towards an end to gender — a thing that was invented and imposed in order to naturalize the sex class hierarchy that positions men as dominant and women as subordinate

Thanks to trans activism, 2017 saw a return to old-school, sexist dismissals of women and women’s rights

When academics and leftists dismiss women’s concerns about their rights as a “moral panic,” they place themselves among the ranks of anti-feminists and the alt-right.

Women’s rights remain under threat and those who claim to be allies — queer activists, the left, and liberals — have attempted to reframe feminist analysis as hate speech.

Feminists and women’s rights campaigners have been painted as hysterical and had their concerns dismissed as some kind of “moral panic” since the first wave. Feminist advocacy against sexual harassment, domestic abuse, rape, pornography, and prostitution have been labelled as “moral panics” in order to write women’s concerns about their own lives and oppression off as emotion-based and irrational, rather than genuine, rational, and worthy of consideration.

When we question men’s right to buy access to the bodies of women and girls we are called “whorephobic,” for example. When we challenge the efforts of trans activists to destroy women’s spaces and to infringe on women’s sex-based rights, we are labelled “transphobic.”

Within only a few years, policies and legislation supporting the notion of “gender identity” have been proposed and adopted throughout Western nations, with little debate or attention to impacts on women. Simultaneously, those who question, challenge, or simply attempt to discuss the idea of transgenderism, the transing of children, the righteousness of trans activism, and gender identity legislation are bullied, no-platformed, smeared, and subjected to threats.

Woman harassed and suspended from Labour Party for posting that “transwomen are men”

A prominent anti-trans activist has reportedly been suspended from the Labour Party pending an investigation into transphobic bullying and harassment.

“If stating that males are men means that Labour don’t want me, quite frankly I hope they chuck me out,” she said.

She continued: “A meme stating the simple biological truth, that ‘transwomen are men’ does not compare to the relentless harassment against myself which has included doxxing where I work, death threats and threats of violence, not to mention an overwhelming amount of misogynistic abuse.”

Allan then called being transgender ‘a men’s sexual rights movement’ and said she remains determined to campaign against trans inclusion after her suspension.

German court rules transsexual woman can’t be ‘mother’

Berlin – Germany’s top court has ruled that a transsexual woman whose frozen sperm was used to fertilise an egg can only be registered as the child’s father.

The Federal Court said judges concluded “the transsexual person’s fundamental rights aren’t breached by the fact that existing ancestry law assigns her the legal status of parent according to her former sex and the specific contribution to procreation that resulted from this”.

Woman shocked when transgender NHS nurse with stubble was sent for her cervical smear test

A woman was shocked when a transgender NHS nurse with stubble was sent to perform her cervical smear test.

The clinic patient, who had requested a female for the intimate procedure, complained after feeling “embarrassed and distressed”.

She decided not to go ahead and claimed the nurse had an “obviously male appearance”.

And she said when told she asked for a female, the nurse replied: “My gender is not male. I’m a transexual.”

She said: “People not comfortable about this are presented as bigots.”

Meanwhile, bathers at women-only Ladies’ Pond on Hampstead Heath, London, protested rules letting males transitioning to female use the pond and female changing rooms.

Swimmers said a man in a bikini used it this summer and claimed he was transitioning.

‘Transracial’ man born white feels like he is Filipino

Ja Du, born a white male named Adam, now considers himself a Filipino. Turns out the purple ride he drives around in is called a Tuk Tuk, an Asian-derived vehicle used for public transit in the Philippines he says.

She (sic) has started a Facebook group for others who identify as “transracial.”

Many, including de Guzman, have compared Ja Du to Rachel Dolezal, the white woman and former NAACP chapter president who infamously identifies as black. De Guzman said he finds Ja Du’s claims of identity offensive in a political sense.

Topshop announces gender-neutral changing rooms after trans customer was refused access to female cubicles

Topshop has announced it now has gender-neutral changing rooms following growing pressure from customers.

It came to light after a trans customer claims they were refused access to female cubicles.

The fashion retailer, owned by Sir Philip Green, revealed it has already introduced the policy after performance artist Travis Alabanza, who identifies as trans feminine, claims they were asked to use a male changing room.

Feminist Camille Paglia On Transgenderism: ‘The Cold Biological Truth Is That Sex Changes Are Impossible’

Asked by Jonathan Last why there has not been an open confrontation between feminism and transgenderism, Paglia responded that there has already been such a confrontation in the United Kingdom, citing the transgender community’s attacks on iconic feminist Germaine Greer and radical Australian feminist Sheila Jeffreys, the author of Gender Hurts.

Then, the shot straight from the hip: “The cold biological truth is that sex changes are impossible. Every single cell of the human body remains coded with one’s birth gender for life. Intersex ambiguities can occur, but they are developmental anomalies that represent a tiny proportion of all human births.”

Paglia added, “Like Germaine Greer and Sheila Jeffreys, I reject state-sponsored coercion to call someone a ‘woman’ or a ‘man’ simply on the basis of his or her subjective feeling about it.”
[category: global, reproductive rights, feminism]