‘Only Women Can Have Periods,’ Tampon-Maker Founder Says

Defying the pro-transgender narrative among woke tampon makers, Garnuu is telling anyone who will listen that “periods are for women only.”

At around the time of Garnuu’s founding, several prominent feminine hygiene brands voiced support for the transgender movement.

In 2020, the tampon company Tampax tweeted, “Fact: Not all women have periods. Also a fact: Not all people with periods are women. Let’s celebrate the diversity of all people who bleed!”

Instead of joining the pro-transgender narrative being furthered by brands such as Tampax and Always, Maxson is telling anyone who will listen that “periods are for women only.”

Maxson promises her company will never refer to women as a “menstruator or bleeder, chest feeder … [or] a pregnant person. … We’re keeping women, and we’re keeping periods to be a girls-only club,” she said.

Source: ‘Only Women Can Have Periods,’ Tampon-Maker Founder Says

Qld agrees to allow donor-conceived people the right to know the identity of their donor.

Since 2004, ethical guidelines by Australia’s peak medical and health research body have prohibited the anonymous donation of sperm and eggs. However, these guidelines don’t have the legal force of legislation and don’t have an impact on those conceived before 2004.

Research with donor-conceived people, and evidence provided to parliamentary inquiries, has shown fertility clinics are often unable and/or unwilling to provide accurate information. This might include, for example, denying donor-conceived people access to donor conception records even when donors have consented, and giving incorrect information about siblings.

Over the years, many donor conception records have been modified or destroyed. This has often occurred to protect anonymity, but is also due to questionable past practices such as sperm mixing, donors’ identities not being verified, and recruitment of medical students in exchange for course credits.

Establishing a centralised, government-held register would bring Queensland in line with other jurisdictions that already recognise the rights of donor-conceived people. This includes Victoria, South Australia, NSW (for those born after 2010), and Western Australia (for those born after 2004).

Source: Qld agrees to allow donor-conceived people the right to know the identity of their donor. Here’s why it’s important

Australia’s first female journalists reported on wars and human rights around the world – but many died in obscurity

A new book illuminates the bold lives of Australian women journalists between 1860 and the end of Word War II – a time when female reporters were ‘almost unheard of’.

Some of the women who feature in Bold Types wrote for the women’s pages, often in addition to more satisfying work. But others eagerly took on roles that were usually only assigned to men. These include Anna Blackwell, Australia’s first female correspondent, who reported from Paris for the Sydney Morning Herald from 1860, and Jessie Couvreur, who worked for the London Times as Brussels correspondent in the 1890s after growing up in Hobart.

Others demonstrated remarkable bravery and resilience in jobs that were physically demanding and dangerous. Flora Shaw, a British journalist, travelled throughout regional Australia in 1892. Travelling by buggy and steamer, Shaw reported on the sugar, mineral and pastoral industries of Queensland.

A few years later, another female journalist, Edith Dickenson, also travelled great distances under difficult circumstances to fulfil her reporting role. She was Australia’s first female war correspondent, sent to Durban in 1900 to cover the Second Boer War.

Almost all who worked in mainstream media faced opposition and condescension from male colleagues who felt threatened by their presence.

Some, like Texas-born Jennie Scott Griffiths, worked as journalists while overseeing large families (Scott Griffiths had ten children). Others, such as feminist and social activist Alice Henry, defied convention and never married or had children. In many cases, they brought attention to the discrimination and exploitation experienced by women. Speaking out against the establishment rarely led to success. A sad and recurring theme throughout the book is that these women often died in obscurity.

Source: Australia’s first female journalists reported on wars and human rights around the world – but many died in obscurity

Tickle v Giggle: Trans-identified Roxanne Tickle sues founder of female-only social media app after being barred from platform in Australia | The Post Millennial

A landmark gender-versus-sex test case is underway in Australia where a trans-identified male has brought legal action against the founder of a female-only social networking app after being barred from using the platform.

Roxanne Tickle, a biological male who identifies as a woman, is suing Giggle app owner Sall Grover alleging unlawful discrimination under the Australian Human Rights Commission Act, reports the Daily Mail. Tickle was removed from Giggle in 2021 by Grover on the grounds of being male. Giggle was created for the purpose of giving women and girls an online space to gather away from the presence of males.

Source: Tickle v Giggle: Trans-identified Roxanne Tickle sues founder of female-only social media app after being barred from platform in Australia | The Post Millennial | thepostmillennial.com

97% of early educators are women. 100% need a pay rise.

This International Women’s Day will you show up for early childhood educators? In less than two minutes you can click here and send a letter to your local member telling them that Early childhood educators need a pay rise! And they need it now.

Source: 97% of early educators are women. 100% need a pay rise.

Want to support companies that support women? Look at your investments through a ‘gender lens’ – here’s how

While some rating agencies have created measures to identify companies suitable for a gender lens portfolio – for example, Sustainalytics has a gender equality index – others have very little on gender at all. Some rating agencies seem to base gender equity performance on the number of women on a company’s board or its in-house policies on diversity and discrimination.In short, there is little-to-no substantive information available to allow investing with a gender lens. And why is that?

The absence of data related to gender implies women-friendly policies are not viewed as affecting the performance or risk of companies.

It is time for potential investors to start demanding data be collected. Once that happens, rating agencies will send a message to companies that gender equity matters. As long as investors stay silent, progress will remain slow.

Source: Want to support companies that support women? Look at your investments through a ‘gender lens’ – here’s how

Betty Holberton

Frances Elizabeth Holberton (March 7, 1917 – December 8, 2001) was an American computer scientist who was one of the six original programmers of the first general-purpose electronic digital computer, ENIAC. The other five ENIAC programmers were Jean Bartik, Ruth Teitelbaum, Kathleen Antonelli, Marlyn Meltzer, and Frances Spence.

Holberton invented breakpoints in computer debugging.

On her first day of classes at the University of Pennsylvania, her math professor asked her if she wouldn’t be better off at home raising children.

Source: Betty Holberton – Wikipedia

‘Stop the fighting’ between trans activists and women: CEO says as legal deadline looms | The Australian

Founder and chief executive of Giggle for Girls, Sall Grover, is fighting
Roxanne Tickle’s claim that she was discriminated against on the basis of
her gender identity after being denied access to premium features of the
app, because “they are male”, Ms Grover said.

The case – brought by Ms Tickle – was discontinued in July last year.

But she applied in late December to the Federal Court for an extension of
time after receiving “limited” funding to cover “any adverse costs order …
and now wishes to pursue her claim”

After a hearing last week, orders published by Justice Robert Bromwich
outlined in a court document say Ms Grover must file her defence to Ms
Tickle’s statement of claim, respond to the request for an extension of time
and outline “any” constitutional issues she wants to raise by April 6.

Should the case proceed, Ms Grover said she hoped it would resolve the conflict between gender identity and sex.
“My goal is not to strip anyone of their rights. My goal is to make
everybody’s rights clear,” she said.
“If we can get clarity on this hopefully it will stop the fighting between
women and trans activists.

Principal solicitor at the Feminist Legal Clinic, and Ms Grover’s former
lawyer, Anna Kerr, said discrimination on the grounds of gender identity
was protected in state and federal legislation, but it was “poorly and
inconsistently defined”.

“In general terms, state laws that recognise males as legally female
undermine the protections of women’s sex-based rights under the Federal
Sex Discrimination Act,” she said.

Section 7B and 7D of the (act) make provisions for services that are
designed exclusively for the female sex, and which are reasonable to keep
women safe and free from male harassment or to advance their substantive

“However, these provisions are rendered effectively inoperable by state
legislation that allows for change of sex on birth certificates, increasingly on
the basis of self-declaration only.”

A further hearing in Ms Tickle’s case will be held on April 28 for the
“hearing of the interlocutory disputes”, as well as disputes about
constitutional arguments

Source: ‘Stop the fighting’ between trans activists and women: CEO says as legal deadline looms | The Australian

The Transwoman Boogeyman: A Social Observation On A Truly Weird Male Behaviour – A Voice for Men

Warning: This article is deeply offensive but is posted as evidence of how the trans movement serves the agenda of men’s rights activists and the need to reject “allies” from this end of the political spectrum.

So you want to follow TERFs? Be careful where they lead you.

So called Red Pill men, MRA, MGTOW, et al, white knighting for fat, ugly misandric, segregationist terfs, the worst of the gynocentric cesspool. Antiwoke antifeminists, white knighting in direct support of radical feminism.

The so called deeply religious conservative right, white knighting for the worst of the extremist left wing.

If a woman ran for office on a platform of destroying the proposition that trans-women should be treated as women, would you vote for her?

Most of you would. Most of you have. But here’s the rub. You’re doing exactly the stupidest thing you’ve always done. You think you’re supporting normality and sanity but really you’re blind to the 3d chess of politics and are simply supporting feminist political power by believing in their Bogeymen.

You’re bending the broken knee to the same fag hags and hand bags who took over the men only Gay Rights Movement back in the early 70’s, reducing the GRM to mascots to the feminist cause and who turned it into the rainbow people, GLBT, bringing trannies into the fold, as they were called back in prehistory.

That supposedly red pilled men don’t see what the political implications of their misplaced support has on the suicide tally is the real shocker here. Not to mention the remainder of the blizzard of men’s issues.

Why would you support the political power of misandric gynocentrists?

To be accurate, terfs have been around since the 70’s, as some women recognised the problem of a man flying the signals, flags and pennants of female privilege the very first time they noticed it.

Men identifying as women gives the gynocentric power base a mortal wound. You are protecting them from that wound without any clue of political situational awareness.

This is exactly the question coming before the Australian Supreme Court soon. The hearing is set for April.

Read the girls over at feminist legal doing their mental gymnastics to blame men for the monster they created, circling back to bite them on the arse.

“In the early days of the Giggle app, Sall was faced with the decision to make the app for women as a sex or women as a gender. After a sustained campaign of abuse and harassment by people calling themselves ‘transwomen’, Sall decided to make the app exclusively for females, including trans-identifying females or ‘transmen’. On Giggle, it would be the possession of female body, regardless of identity, that puts you in the ‘in’ crowd.”

Equality when they want power, speshul treatment when it doesn’t serve their power. If it wasn’t for double standards, feminists wouldn’t have any.

When your enemy is making a mistake, don’t interrupt them.
When your enemy is drowning, don’t try to save them.

Instead of a life preserver, throw them an anvil, a millstone, throw a chain net over them. But don’t white knight for them just because they’re damseling.

Screw women’s sports.
Screw women’s toilets.
Men in women’s toilets will make them safer and cleaner.

Everyone knows how filthy and dirty women are in there – just ask a cleaner.

Sure transwomen might look a little weird but nowhere as weird as the collective male shooting himself in the face, politically, repeatedly.

Before you next hold court as a denigrator of transwomen.

Check out the header image above and do some research on the Winged Hussars saving Europe. Sometimes men in weird dress are the best warriors by far.

Because those guys are better at tearing gynocentrism a new one, than the last 100 years of red pilled MGTOW, MRA, and general manospherians. That includes Andrew Tate, and Andrew Tate’s Dad (Paul Elam), not to mention the rest of us. And in honour of the men whose shoulders I stand upon, whose leadership I follow, it’s not for want of trying.

Just don’t white knight for the misandrists bro.
That’s way too weird.

Source: The Transwoman Boogeyman: A Social Observation On A Truly Weird Male Behaviour – A Voice for Men

Older women are doing remarkable things – it’s time for the putdowns to end

Ageism is bad enough, but it’s often compounded by sexism. It is humiliating for a boy to be told he’s playing like a girl but even worse for a man expressing doubts or concerns to be called an old woman. The stereotype of the old woman is anxious, dependent, useless, and a burden – if she isn’t a nasty, bitter old witch. Dismissing old women in this way renders them invisible because they are considered of no use to society.

My recent interviews with women from the previous generation, dolefully named the Silent Generation (born before 1946), challenge these stereotypes. In their late seventies, eighties, and nineties, these women are leading fulfilling lives; contributing to their communities and to the wider society.

The United Nations has declared the years 2021 to 2030 to be the Decade of Healthy Ageing: a time for worldwide collaboration to promote longer and healthier lives. Physical health is emphasised not as an end but as a necessary condition for full participation in society. This endeavour is part of a magnificent movement towards creating age-friendly neighbourhoods. The World Health Organization has taken the lead through its age-friendly cities framework.

Source: Older women are doing remarkable things – it’s time for the putdowns to end