There is no such thing as a “lactating family”
I don’t know about you, but when I was breastfeeding my children, I was the only one doing any lactating in our family.
But of course, this is what you get when, instead of following your own Mission Statement, you choose to go down the dead-end road of gender ideology. Despite the twin facts that every person on the planet now and in the past emerged from the body of a natal woman and the only bodies who automatically morph physiologically into lactation are those same women who gave birth, LLL has joined the legions of others who bend the knee to those who believe that synthetic sex identities are just as valid as reality. (How one can only live their “authentic life” is after they endure mutilating medical procedures remains a mystery to me.)
Everyone who lives in the real world and not some fantasy island knows that only the female sex has the ability to have babies and to feed them from their breasts and that identity is irrelevant in biological processes. But as is the LLLI Board modus operandi, they chose to ignore this because when the six newly elected Leaders failed to collapse in acquiescence and fall into line, they were immediately suspended and removed from all LLLGB social media outlets.
How is it “inclusive” to deliberately exclude Leaders who all signed up to the Mission Statement, but who are not willing to violate their strongly held beliefs that only natal women should be breastfeeding? Why is this not considered to be a disrespectful slap in the face, not only for them, but for every woman who has ever been a mother?
If you think that those brave Leaders who are endeavoring to hold LLLGB to its stated purpose should be celebrated, rather than persecuted, feel free to email the LLLI Board at
Source: (19) La Leche League International is “a great enemy of the truth”