French subject-matter experts have just published a collective principled stand against « gender identity  discourse and practices that are harming youths | «TRADFEM

We can no longer remain silent about what appears to us as a serious drift committed in the name of the emancipation of the « transgender child » (the one who declares not having been born in the « right body »). On the argument of only feelings erected in truth, radical speeches legitimize the requests of sex change. But it is at the price of a lifelong medical or even surgical treatment (removal of breasts or testicles) on children or teenagers’ bodies. It is this phenomenon and its high media profile that we are concerned about, not the choices of transgender adults.

Trivialized discourses claim that we could do without the biological reality, the sexual difference between men and women, in favor of chosen singularities based on « feelings » alone. These misleading speeches are transmitted on social networks where many teenagers in search of identity come to look for solutions to their malaise. In the name of « self-determination » – a slogan that appeals to all progressives – children and teenagers are convinced that they can change their sex with the help of hormonal treatments or even mutilating surgery. This rhetoric, spread by activists in many Western countries, uses fallacies designed to deceive.

We denounce this abduction of childhood. It is urgent today to inform the greatest number of citizens, of all professions, of all sides, of all ages, about what could appear tomorrow as one of the greatest sanitary and ethical scandals, that we would have watched happen without a word: the commodification of children’s bodies. Because by persuading these children that they have been « assigned » a sex at birth, and that they can freely change it, we make them into lifelong patients: lifelong consumers of hormonal chemicals marketed by pharmaceutical companies, recurrent consumers of more and more surgical operations in the pursuit of the chimerical dream of a fantasized body.

No, definitely, in the name of the protection of children we cannot remain silent anymore! We refuse that, in the name of « human rights », we should challenge this common base – the universalism of rights – which constitutes the foundation of humanity.

Source: French subject-matter experts have just published a collective principled stand against « gender identity  discourse and practices that are harming youths | «TRADFEM

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