NZ — . AWWA, is a New Zealand firm selling period-proof underwear that “can hold and absorb up to five regular pads or tampons worth of blood”. It recently shared “Four Period Stories”, profiling the menstruation experiences of three adult human females, and one adult human male.
Inexplicably, the article also profiles Jay, a male who identifies as a woman, who claims to menstruate “due to medications I’m on to affirm my gender identity”. Presumably in an attempt to lend credibility to Jay’s claim, the article references TransHub, a website for “all trans and gender diverse people” in New South Wales, Australia. TransHub does not provide any evidence for this biological impossibility, but simply states that some males who take cross-sex hormones report that “they experience a regular and varying hormonal cycle”.
In the article, Jay is paired with Yessenia, the only female profiled who acknowledges her sex. Jay wears period-proof underwear “to be more comfortable while I’m on my period”. The article does not address what discharge, if any, Jay is secreting.
Source: Period Underwear Company Profiles Male Who “Gets a Period” – Women Are Human